About Qi Works

Jennifer Leaf

Jennifer began her Watsu® aquatic bodywork training and training in Wild Goose Qigong (ancient Chinese health skill of movement and meditation) in 2002.

At the time she had over 10 years experience working as a recreation therapist in physical rehabilitation hospitals, community settings, and teaching at tertiary level. Her desire to help people help themselves using their leisure interests as motivation had her focus on adapted aquatics, gardening, and community reintegration.  Jennifer Leaf

Her Watsu® journey began in the US after experiencing Watsu® at therapeutic recreation and aquatic therapy conferences. There she had the opportunity to be on the receiving end of this amazing modality. But it wasn't until she was in New Zealand that the training opportunities became realistic for her.

WABA Instructor, Carolyn Crawford, has provided the bulk of her Watsu® instruction. Jennifer is also thankful for the many international instructors who have provided ongoing training here in New Zealand including founder and father of Watsu®, Harold Dull in 2005, Cameron West in 2004, and Healing Dance® with Inika Spence-Whaley in 2010. In 2015 and again in 2023 Jennifer travelled to US, first to study Healing Dance® with Alexander and Kathrin George and most recently with Inika Spence-Whaley in Harbin Hot Springs, CA followed by Watsu® 3 Adaptive with Cameron Westand Mary Seamster in La Centre, WA.

Qi Works was born out of Jennifer's desire to share the benefits of these skills. Teaching Wild Goose Qigong, Chen Taijiquan, and Chun Yuen Quan provides her with an ongoing connection with nature while at the same time fostering self-healing and mental well-being. Watsu® is the "ultimate relaxation" she says. It provides that extra help and fosters healing; to let go and "reboot" the body in a very "yummy" way.

Becoming an Authorised Instructor of the Tse Qigong Centre in 2005 and a Registered Watsu® Practitioner in 2006. She teaches weekly classes in Hawke's Bay and provides aquatic bodywork from her pool in Napier.

For more information on her Qigong, Taiji, and Chun Yuen classes visit: wildgooseqigong.org.nz

Past water training

  • Watsu® 3 - Adaptive with Cameron West and Mary Seamster
  • Introduction to Healing Dance® Underwater and Healing Dance® Shape and Space with Alexander George & Kathrin George,PT
  • Aquatic Therapy and Aquatic Exercise Techniques with Peggy Schoedinger, PT
  • Watsu® 3 - Aquatic Integration with Cameron West
  • Healing Dance® 1 with Inika Spence-Whaley
  • Watsu® 3 - Free Flow with Harold Dull
  • Watsu® Basics, Watsu® 1 & 2 with Carolyn Crawford
  • Arthritis NZ Water-based Exercise Training
  • Arthritis Foundation & YMCA USA Aquatic Exercise
  • MS Society Aquatics Programme
  • Water Aerobics training with Marietta Mehanni
  • AEA Certified Water Aerobics Instructor with Julie See
  • Red Cross Adapted Aquatics Training
  • Red Cross Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard